Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Dare to Cross the Flood

Bangladesh is another country that I traveled. This country is known of having floods every year. When you talk of floods in that country, the waters will subside for months. One day while I was visiting my project area with my CD80 Honda motorbike, I saw ahead of me that the road was covered with water because of the heavy rain. The water was 2.6 feet high and about 100 feet of the road was covered.
Some people will cross the flood on a canoe. Some even let their motorbikes and animals on a canoe. While I was observing the people and the hassle to load their things, I decided to cross the waters on my own with my motorbike and so I did.  People looked at me as they were thrilled and some also laughed at me but who cares, this is my journey.
I cross that area a couple of times but only few times that I got stocked in the middle on flooded roads. My secret was to grab the motorbike to a shallow area, started the engine quickly and drove as fast as I can so that the engine will not stop again.

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